The following usage docs provide instructions for common tasks and workflows in Song:
📄️ Metadata Submission
Submitting new metadata entries (Analyses) to Song.
📄️ Metadata Retrieval
Query & retrieval of metadata (Analyses) from Song.
📄️ Updating Metadata
Updating metadata for analyses in Songs database using various methods.
📄️ Publication Controls
Managing data release with publication controls.
📄️ Data Model Management
Creating & updating the data model using JSON schema.
📄️ Schema Strictness
Song's schema strictness determines whether analyses adhere strictly to the latest schema version or can use any version.
📄️ ID Management
Song provides two distinct approaches for managing primary keys across entities (Donors, Specimens, Samples, and Files):
📄️ Kafka Setup
Song can be configured to integrate with Kafka for event streaming. This page explains how to enable and configure the Kafka integration.
📄️ Configuring Keycloak
There are multiple methods of deploying Keycloak. Documentation on Keycloak deployment can be found on the Official Keycloak website.
📄️ API Reference
Songs API is a RESTful API that uses JSON for request and response bodies. It follows standard HTTP methods and status codes, providing a robust interface for managing song-related data in the Overture platform.
📄️ Client Reference
Commands and options supported by the Song client.
Song Terminology
Whether you're new to these tools or looking to refresh your understanding, this glossary is here as a reference of key terms and concepts.
Analysis: A trackable unit of data in Song that combines metadata and associated data files. It's the main entity in a Song database.
Analysis ID: A unique identifier (UUID) assigned to each analysis in Song. It's used to track, retrieve, and manage specific analyses throughout the Song and Score.
Analysis State: The current status of an analysis in Song. States include PUBLISHED, UNPUBLISHED, and SUPPRESSED.
Analysis Type: A category of analysis defined by Song administrators, which describes the structure and content of a particular kind of data submission.
Dynamic Schema: A JSON-based schema that defines the structure and constraints of an analysis type in Song.
Manifest: A file generated by Song that establishes a link between an analysis ID and the data files on your local system, used by Score for file uploads.
Metadata: Data that describes other data. In the context of Song, it refers to the information about data files included in an analysis.
Payload: A formatted set of metadata conforming to a specific analysis type schema, submitted to Song as part of the data submission process.
Score: A file transfer and storage system designed to work alongside Song for managing large data files.
Song: A metadata management system used to track and manage metadata related to files in a data repository. s
Study: A collection of analyses in Song, typically representing a coherent set of data for a particular research project or data submission.
Published Analysis: An analysis in Song that has been marked as ready for downstream processing and is searchable within the system.
Unpublished Analysis: An analysis in Song that has been created but is not yet ready for downstream processing or searching.
Suppressed Analysis: An analysis in Song that has been temporarily hidden or removed from active use, typically due to data quality issues or other concerns.