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Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your system:

Developer Setup

This guide will walk you through setting up a complete development environment, including Stage and its complementary services.

Setting up supporting services

We'll use our Conductor service, a flexible Docker Compose setup, to spin up Stage's complementary services.

  1. Clone the Conductor repository and move into its directory:

    git clone
    cd conductor
  2. Run the appropriate start command for your operating system:

    Operating SystemCommand
    Unix/macOSmake stageDev
    Windows./make.bat stageDev
    Click here for a detailed breakdown

    This command will set up all complementary services for Stage development as follows:

    Stage Dev

    ServicePortDescriptionPurpose in Stage Development
    Conductor-Orchestrates deployments and environment setupsManages the overall development environment
    Keycloak8080Authorization and authentication serviceProvides OAuth2 authentication for Stage
    Arranger Server5050GraphQL API for data queryingHandles data queries for Stage's search functionality
    Elasticsearch9200Search and analytics engineStores and indexes data for Arranger
    • Ensure all ports are free on your system before starting the environment.
    • You may need to adjust the ports in the docker-compose.yml file if you have conflicts with existing services.

    For more information on configuring and using these services, see our Conductor documentation linked here

In the next steps, we will run a Stage development server against these supporting services.

Running the Development Server

  1. Clone Stage and move into its directory:

    git clone
    cd stage
  2. Configure environment variables:

    mv .env.stage .env

    This .env file is preconfigured as follows for the Stage dev environment:

     # Stage Variables
    NEXT_PUBLIC_LAB_NAME=Stage Development Environment

    # Keycloak Variables

    # Arranger Variables
    NEXT_PUBLIC_ARRANGER_MANIFEST_COLUMNS=repositories.code, object_id, analysis.analysis_id, study_id, file_type,, file.size, file.md5sum, file.index_file.object_id, donors.donor_id, donors.specimens.samples.sample_id
    Click here for a detailed explanation of the Stage environment variables
    • Stage Variables

      • NEXTAUTH_URL: Specifies the base URL for NextAuth.js, which handles authentication in Next.js applications. This setting is used to configure the authentication flow, including where to redirect users after successful authentication.
      • NEXT_PUBLIC_LAB_NAME: The name displayed in the top left of the portal interface. Feel free to customize this.
      • NEXT_PUBLIC_ADMIN_EMAIL: The email address of the administrator or support contact. This setting updates the help link found by default in the footer navigation of the portal interface.
    • Keycloak Variables

      • NEXT_PUBLIC_AUTH_PROVIDER: Specifies the authentication provider, in this case, "keycloak".
      • ACCESSTOKEN_ENCRYPTION_SECRET: Defines the secret used to encrypt access tokens, enhancing security by preventing easy decoding of intercepted tokens.
      • SESSION_ENCRYPTION_SECRET: Specifies the secret used to encrypt session cookies, protecting sensitive information stored in the cookie from unauthorized access.
      • NEXT_PUBLIC_KEYCLOAK_HOST: Specifies the URL where the Keycloak server is hosted (e.g., "http://localhost:8080").
      • NEXT_PUBLIC_KEYCLOAK_REALM: Defines the realm in Keycloak that contains the users and roles for the application.
      • NEXT_PUBLIC_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID: The client ID for the Keycloak application.
      • KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET: The client secret for the Keycloak application.
      • NEXT_PUBLIC_KEYCLOAK_PERMISSION_AUDIENCE: Specifies the audience for the permission claims in the access token, restricting the scope of access granted to the token.
    • Arranger Variables

      • NEXT_PUBLIC_ARRANGER_DOCUMENT_TYPE: Specifies whether the index is file-centric or analysis (participant) centric.
      • NEXT_PUBLIC_ARRANGER_INDEX: Defines the index used by the Arranger service.
      • NEXT_PUBLIC_ARRANGER_API_URL: The URL of the Arranger GraphQL API. By default, Arranger's API is mapped to port 5050.
      • NEXT_PUBLIC_ARRANGER_MANIFEST_COLUMNS: Lists the columns to be included in the manifest generated for download with Score.
  3. Install the required npm packages:

    npm ci

    Ensure you are running Node.js v16 or higher. To check, you can run node --version. You should see something similar to the following:

  4. Start the Stage development server:

    npm run dev


After installation and configuration, verify that Stage is functioning correctly:

  1. Check the Stage UI

    • Navigate to http://localhost:3000 in a web browser.
    • Expected result: You should see the Stage front-end UI.
    • Troubleshooting:
      • Check your browser's console for error messages.
      • Verify that you're using the correct URL.
  2. Test Login Functionality

    • Use the default Keycloak credentials:

    • Expected result: You should be able to log in and access the Stage dashboard.

    • Troubleshooting:

      • Ensure Keycloak is running and configured correctly.
      • Check the Stage server logs for authentication-related errors.
  3. Test API Key Functionality

    • From the top right dropdown, select "Profile".
    • On the profile page, select "Generate API Key".
    • Expected result: A new API key should be generated and displayed on the screen.
Need Help?

If you encounter any issues or have questions about our API, please don't hesitate to reach out through our relevant community support channels.


This guide is meant to demonstrate the configuration and usage of Stage for development purposes and is not intended for production. If you ignore this warning and use this in any public or production environment, please remember to use appropriate security measures and configure your environment variables accordingly.