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File Upload

Data uploads using the Client or API.

Data Submission Guide

For detailed step-by-step instructions on using Song and Score clients for data submissions, see our platform guide on CLI submissions.

Installing Score-Client

To run the score-client using Docker, provide the following environment variables:

  • STORAGE_URL: Score server URL
  • METADATA_URL: Song server URL
  • ACCESSTOKEN: Valid access token

Use this command to run a Score Client docker container:

docker run -d --name score-client \
-e ACCESSTOKEN=${token} \
-e STORAGE_URL=${scoreServerUrl} \
-e METADATA_URL=${songServerUrl} \
--network="host" \
--platform="linux/amd64" \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/output \

Replace all ${} placeholders with your environment's values.

Detailed command breakdown
  • -d: Runs container in detached mode (background)
  • -e ACCESSTOKEN=${token}: Access token from the platform's auth service
  • -e STORAGE_URL=${scoreServerUrl}: Score server URL
  • -e METADATA_URL=${songServerUrl}: Song server URL
  • --network="host": Uses host network stack
  • --platform="linux/amd64": Specifies container platform
  • --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/output: Mounts current directory to container's /output

Uploading File Data

Use the Score Client's upload command to upload file data. Main upload methods:

  • --file: Upload a specific file by path
  • --manifest: Upload files based on a manifest file
  • --object-id: Upload a specific file by object ID

Upload Options

--forceRe-upload existing files (overwrite)
--md5Specify MD5 checksum of the file
--validateValidate file using MD5 checksum
--verify-connectionVerify object storage connection before upload

Upload Example

To upload using a manifest file:

docker exec score-client sh -c "score-client upload --manifest ./<directory>/manifest.txt"

Replace <directory> with the location of your manifest file.

A successful upload will produce output similar to:

Uploading object: '/home/ubuntu/songdata/input-files/example.vcf.gz.idx' using the object id e98daf88-fdf8-5a89-9803-9ebafb41de94
100% [##################################################] Parts: 1/1, Checksum: 100%, Write/sec: 1000B/s, Read/sec: 0B/s
Total execution time: 3.141 s
Total bytes read : 0
Total bytes written : 24
Upload completed
Uploading object: '/home/ubuntu/songdata/input-files/example.vcf.gz' using the object id 440f4559-e905-55ec-bdeb-9518f823e287
100% [##################################################] Parts: 1/1, Checksum: 100%, Write/sec: 7.8K/s, Read/sec: 0B/s
Total execution time: 3.105 s
Total bytes read : 0
Total bytes written : 52
Upload completed

If you encounter any issues or have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out through our relevant community support channels